But, yay, I didn’t actually have to see the “p-doc” who I do not much care for. She seems to be a bit threatening, which doesn’t seem like a good attribute for a shrink. At least, I don’t think so. What do you think? Anyway, it was actually a nice(so far) man who actually knew the family, not me though. I haven’t decided whether or not that is a good or bad thing yet. He was very accommodating while I was sitting there, we’ll see how accommodating he actually is when the results come through. I hate waiting. Apparently he will make his recommendations to the p-doc and between him and my therapist they will come up with a med adjustment, which I’ve wanted for a really long time.
It was a bit too intimate in the questioning department for me, and I wish he hadn’t gone into the past, I don’t much like it there. But there it is. I didn’t collapse, implode, pass out, break into a sweat or start panting or anything ;) so all in all, I have to call this one good.
Afterward we drove to Conconully, a great little town nearby where everyone has fences to keep out the deer. I’ve seen deer up close and personal all of my life. But they still manage to float my boat. Why is that? The fences of course do very little to keep them out of anyone’s yard and the homes are packed in like sardines.
In one yard we saw 18 deer, and that was just the one. It was so much fun. One little dear deer (pun intended :), was parked munching on grass on the edge of the road, just laying there. If she had stretched out a hoof to show off her elegant leg for a nearby buck, she would’ve been “in” the road, rather than lounging on the shoulder. We stopped and said hello and she said something like, “Hello gawkers. How are you this fine morning?” We were delighted, she was rather hmm...contently ambivilant?
They don't beg for food like they do in some parks, just go about their day, lazying in nearby yards. Ironically, we didn’t see a single one perched in the middle of the road. By our place you pass them every morning and evening crossing the street.
I love the town, and I love the tolerance of the people that live there for the wildlife. We’re the migrants after-all ;) Although, there isn’t a garden in sight lol.
It was a great drive. The tourist season is over and the Okanogan is just waiting for the seasonal carpet. But it’s cold enough the we had the whole park to ourselves and I was able let sigh out to stretch his legs. That was too much fun. A bit disappointed I left behind the camera as the willow trees were absolutely gorgeous. The little community keeps the bottoms trimmed and the whole park seemed draped in long golden tresses floating from organic chandeliers. It really is worth a visit if you get there after they’ve claimed it back from the tourists.
Then home with a nice evening of reading and television and needlepoint. Criminal Minds was something else last night. Wow!
Mom and I vowed that since she plans on getting more activity and I plan on getting out more that we would start going to town or nearby at least twice a week and go for a little walk. I’m so praying this will actually happen. There were no people in the park and though Mom stayed in the car. It was SO great to just meander about with Sigh and breathe.
Beautiful Language:
The sky is deep. The sky is dark.
The lighted stars are so damn stark.
When I look up I fill with fear,
if all we have is what lies here.
This lonely world, this troubled place,
then, cold dead stars and empty space.
But, I see no reason to persevere.
No reason to laugh or shed a tear.
No reason to sleep or ever to wake.
No promises to keep,
and none to make.
And, so at night I still raise my eyes
to study the clear but mysterious skies
that arch above us as cold as stone.
Are you there, God?
Are we alone?
The Book of Counted Sorrows
Best E of the day:
Some of you may not have daughters, but you have been a young girl...
THE GOOD NAPKINS .. Ahhhhh ... The joys of having girls .
My mother taught me to read when I was four years old (her first mistake).
One day, I was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors was ajar. I read the box in the cabinet.
I then asked my mother why she was keeping ''napkins' in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen?
Not wanting to burden me with unnecessary facts, she told me that those were for 'special occasions'
(her second mistake).
Now fast forward a few months....It's Thanksgiving Day, and my folks are leaving to pick up my uncle and his
wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all of us while they were gone. Mine was to set the table.
When they returned, my uncle came in first and immediately burst into laughter. Next came his wife who gasped,
then began giggling. Next came my father, who roared with laughter. Then came Mom, who almost died of
embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a 'special occasion' Kotex napkin at each plate,
with the fork carefully arranged on top. I had even tucked the little tail in so they didn't hang off the edge!!
My mother asked me why I used these and, of course, my response sent the other adults into further fits of laughter.
'But, Mom, you said they were for special occasions!!!'
Pass this on to your girlfriends who need a good laugh or anyone who has a daughter !
Life is too short for drama & petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly....
and for heavens sake, use the good napkins whenever you can!
Comics that made me chuckle

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